Pegiat Literasi Publik, Pro Life Indonesia, Digital Journalism, Pengelola Jakarta News dan Ruang Biblika Kompasiana
The activity which was in the form of a National Seminar with friends, "Enlivening the Abu Dhabi Document in the Dialogue of True Brotherhood for Joint Movement to Overcome Humanitarian Problems." And, in it is the signing of the Atmajaya document, (See Video)
At the seminar, the resource persons generally hoped that the contents of the Abu Dhabi Document would not only be known to/by religious leaders or figures, but also to religious communities in various corners of the archipelago. With that, re-knit human brotherhood across the boundaries of religion, ethnicity and race and political choices, which have been torn apart by various kinds of conflicts and wars.
In addition, Pdt Gomar Gultom, Ketum PGI, who is also a resource person, stated that, it is necessary to develop a balance between textual and contextual approaches in reading and understanding the scriptures; as well as developing a religious life that dives into the substantive values of that religion and is not trapped in religious symbols or formalism.
The same thing was conveyed by Dr. H. Abdul Mu'ti, M. Ed (General Secretary of Muhammadiyah Central Executive), that the Abu Dhabi Document is very important to understand them at the grassroots level. This is because, so far, for example, there has been a perception that relations between Muslims and Christians put them in a confrontational position, interactions colored by various tensions and rivalries.
In the middle of the seminar, all the speakers made press statements to the media. In essence, they stated that the Abu Dhabi Documents needed to be disseminated (and understood and practiced) down to the grassroots. Therefore, it needs the support of all parties and carried out in a structured, systematic and massive manner.
On the same occasion, the media crew conveyed their concerns about 'Inflation of Interfaith Documents in Indonesia;' because there is the Medina Charter (622 AD), the Bogor Charter (2018), the Abu Dhabi Document (2019), and the Atmajaya Document (2023). Indonesian Cardinal, Mgr. Prof Dr, Ignatius Suharyo, stated that, "It is not inflation but grace; God's gift to the people and nation of Indonesia."
(By Opa Jappy, Milhal Kutana)