Prof. Hendry I. Elim
Prof. Hendry I. Elim Dosen

Prof. H. I. Elim, a Simple Physicist with 3 main writing issues: [1]. Creative and Innovative Intellectual Educator; [2]. Freedom of Innovation works (Kerja Merdeka Berkreasi), and [3]. Amazing Natural Resources of Indonesia Archipelago. Prof. Elim is originally a creative, innovative, and disruptive Indonesia physicist .




The Avenger of EAT Laboratory: Visiting Young Scientist from Hiroshima University, Japan

13 Maret 2025   17:35 Diperbarui: 13 Maret 2025   17:35 170 1 1

(Self-source of photo) Prof. Elim, Mr. Ryan Tutuarima. B.Sc, M.Eng (candidate), and Kaswan, S.Si.
(Self-source of photo) Prof. Elim, Mr. Ryan Tutuarima. B.Sc, M.Eng (candidate), and Kaswan, S.Si.

The Avenger of EAT Laboratory: Visiting Young Scientist from Hiroshima University, Japan

Prof. Hendry Izaac Elim, Ph.D

Indonesia Physicist, Department of Physics,

Pattimura university

This interesting video for the first time is about an unpredictable visiting of a postgraduate student namely Mr. Ryan Tutuarima, B.Sc, M.Eng (candidate) from Hiroshima university, Japan in our Elim Advanced Technology (EAT) laboratory located in A+ ("unggul") physics department, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), Pattimura university.  

He obtained his B.Sc. in the field of Environment Engineering at Hiroshima university, and then received LPDP Indonesia postgraduate scholarship in this year of 2025 to enter Information Engineering Faculty at the same university in Japan. 

(self-file document) Living room in Elim Advanced Technology (EAT) Lab entrance. 
(self-file document) Living room in Elim Advanced Technology (EAT) Lab entrance. 
Prof. Elim as an Indonesia physicist, and senior scientist in Indonesia is like an avenger for these young scientists. 

Mr. Ryan came togerther with our alumnus, Mr. Kaswan, S.Si (B.Sc in physics) because they are from the same group in Australian corner at Pattimura university. Kaswan is still struggling to seek for overseas postgraduate scholarship in the last few years after graduated from our EAT Lab. He has been studying English as well as teaching English for elementary school students in Ambon city so that he may  improve his language ability for pursuing his postgraduate study overseas in the near future.. 

(Own file) Mr. Kaswan, Mr. Ryan and Prof. Elim in front of Elim Advanced Technology (EAT) Laboratory.
(Own file) Mr. Kaswan, Mr. Ryan and Prof. Elim in front of Elim Advanced Technology (EAT) Laboratory.

(Own Photo) This photo was taken in publication area of EAT Lab.
(Own Photo) This photo was taken in publication area of EAT Lab.

Before My Ryan gave his comments  in the recorded Video on our excellent unique EAT Lab, Prof. Elim accompanied by his part time worker, Gwen, B.Sc (physics) introduced the whole of his works for Ryan and Kaswan shown in the whole products inside the lab.

(own laboratory photo inside Prof. Elim Lab) Mr. Ryan and Mr. Kaswan were excited inside our most holy room to work. 
(own laboratory photo inside Prof. Elim Lab) Mr. Ryan and Mr. Kaswan were excited inside our most holy room to work. 
The EAT Lab contains of integrated laboratory (i-LAB) with 3 main research laboratories and 1 teaching laboratory. The i-LAB are formed initially by EAT Lab chaired by Prof. Elim, AI and Sensor lab. headed by Mr. F. Manuhutu, M.Sc., and Water quality lab. own by Mr. G.R. Latumeten, M.Sc., respectively. 

(selfie photo of EAT Lab taken by Gwen) In AI and sensors laboratory chaired by Mr. Edy Manuhutu, M.Sc.
(selfie photo of EAT Lab taken by Gwen) In AI and sensors laboratory chaired by Mr. Edy Manuhutu, M.Sc.

(EAT Lab owned photo taken by Gwen) Water quality research lab headed by Mr. G.R. Latumeten, M.Sc. 
(EAT Lab owned photo taken by Gwen) Water quality research lab headed by Mr. G.R. Latumeten, M.Sc. 

(EAT Lab photo) With Prof. Elim in EAT Lab.
(EAT Lab photo) With Prof. Elim in EAT Lab.

After showing up the teaching laboratory and research i-LAB as well as nanomedicine garden to Mr. Ryan, we have a nice lunch in our lab. 

(EAT Lab picture) Nanomedicine garden located behind the lab.
(EAT Lab picture) Nanomedicine garden located behind the lab.

(Own photo) Lunch time with our researcher and overseas visitor. 
(Own photo) Lunch time with our researcher and overseas visitor. 

In conclusion, we do hope that the audiences could enjoy the video embedded in this article so that the opinion of our postgraduate student visitation can be obtained obviously.

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